
CARD is dedicated to securing basic education for all. Experience shows that learning attacks poverty at its roots. Educated people can make thoughtful and informed decisions that will positively improve their lives, their families, their communities and their world. Mothers are more likely to have healthier children and higher incomes. Today we work alongside communities, government and partner organizations at many levels to address all aspects of basic education. Our inclusive approaches include provision of learning materials, training teachers and other school personnel such as PTAs to improve the quality of education; linking education programs to interventions in health, nutrition and livelihoods to better address reasons why children are out of school; involving communities in assessing and overcoming their unique barriers to learning; and conducting broad campaigns that promote the right to education for all people.

Soil & Water Conservation:

CARD’s projects train farmers to effectively manage soil fertility and productivity over the long-term, both on their individual plots and on lands surrounding the targeted communities. CARD soil management activities use primarily locally available organic nutrients, such as ground covers, livestock manure, and household waste, and nitrogen-fixing trees, legumes and shrubs. Soil management activities also focus on reducing soil erosion as well as gully and landslide control through, for example, terracing, vegetative cover, and strategically planted trees.

Cross-Cutting Actions:

CARD’s cross-cutting initiatives span across the breadth of our program sectors to tackle the underlying causes of poverty, and place special emphasis on working with women, men, girls and boys to create lasting social change; with specific emphasis on achieving gender equality, tackling HIV/AIDs pandemic and ensuring peaceful coexistence, accountability/good governance at all levels. For example, our WASH, FSL and Education initiatives uses the convening power of sports/drama etc., as a vehicle to minimize the effects of poverty on youth while working to advance gender equality, develop life skills, promote health education, provide psychosocial support and create income-generating activities. Issues such as climate change adaptation, protection etc are mainstreamed in our programmes whenever practicable.